Current Clients
Gretchen Whitmer (Governor, MI)
Katie Hobbs (Governor, AZ)
Andy Beshear (Governor, KY)
Hakeem Jeffries (Congressional, NY)
Nancy Pelosi (Congressional, CA)
Sydney Kamlager-Dove (Congressional, CA)
Scott Peters (Congressional, CA)
Adam Schiff (Senate, CA)
Andy Kim (Senate, NJ)
Karen Bass (Mayor, Los Angeles)
National Foster Youth Institute
LA Jazz Festival Foundation
Everytown for Gun Safety
SVF Student Turnout Project
Past Clients
Al Gore for President
Jay Inslee for President
John Edwards for President
Kerry-Edwards for President
Arizona Communities United
Democratic Attorneys General Association (DAGA)
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC)
Democratic Governors Association (DGA)
Democratic National Committee (DNC)
EMILY’s List
Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund
Food Policy Action
House Majority PAC (HMP)
National Foster Youth Institute
One Fair Wage
Restaurant Opportunities Centers United
Strategic Victory Fund
Working America
Dr. Al Gross (Senate, AK)
Adam Schiff (Senate, CA)
Andy Kim (Senate, NJ)
Barbara Boxer (Senate, CA)
Ben Ray Luján (Senate, NM)
Bill Nelson (Senate, FL)
Deborah Ross (Senate, NC)
Harold Ford, Jr. (Senate, TN)
Hillary Clinton (Senate, NY)
Jane Harman (Congressional, CA)
Jeanne Shaheen (Senate, NH)
Jim Webb (Senate, VA)
Karen Bass (Mayor, Los Angeles)
Maria Cantwell (Senate, WA)
Mary Landrieu (Senate, LA)
Nancy Pelosi (Congressional, CA)
Paul Hodes (Senate, NH)
Patty Murray (Senate, WA)
Raphael Warnock (Senate (GA)
Robin Carnahan (Senate, MO)
Scott Peters (Congressional, CA-50)
Sherrod Brown (Senate, OH)
Sydney Kamlager-Dove (Congressional, CA-37)
Ted Kennedy (Senate, MA)
Tom Daschle (Senate, SD)
Attorney General Xavier Becerra (CA)
Statewide/Local Elections
Karen Bass (Mayoral, Los Angeles)
Governor Gretchen Whitmer (MI)
Governor Tony Evers (WI)
Secretary Jocelyn Benson (Secretary of State, MI)
Burke for Wisconsin (Governor, WI)
Proposition 34 Anti-Death Penalty Initiative (CA, 2012)
Proposition 87 (CA, 2006)
Proposition 40 (CA, 2022)
Los Angeles Mayor’s Fund
Committee to Elect Bobby Shriver Supervisor (CA)
Governor Gray Davis (CA)
Senate President pro Tem John Burton (CA)
Washington United Marriage Equality Initiative (WA, 2012)
Westly for Governor (CA)
Your Malibu, Your Decision Initiative (CA, 2014)
American Foundation for Equal Rights (AFER)
Better Angels
Courage Campaign
Declare Yourself
Environmental Media Association
Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund
Global Green USA
Governors’ Global Climate Summit II
“I AM HARVEY MILK” | Bruce Cohen Productions
LA Jazz Festival
Maria Shriver: A Woman’s Nation
National Foster Youth Institute
Polaris Project
Rock the Vote
Russia Freedom Fund
Sandy Hook Promise
The Climate Reality Project/Alliance for Climate Protection
The Jackie Robinson Foundation
Thelonious Monk Institute of Jazz
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars